Byron O'Neal entered life in 1976, the youngest of three children (2 lawyers and a pharmacist) born to and raised in a small rural town in Mississippi by his parents. Byron's father was a full time Father, school teacher, coach, school bus driver and patrolman on weekends. His mother was a full time Mother, 6th grade English/Reading teacher, and supportive wife.
Byron's grandparents on both sides were Self-Employed row crop farmers/animal farmers, who believed in a hard days work for well earned pay. This parental guidance, discipline, environment/culture of independence, work ethic and spirit of self-motivation has guided Byron O'Neal through life and the practice of law.
As to education, Byron O'Neal graduated in the top 20 of his college class, with honors, and a B.S. Degree in Elementary Education from Mississippi Valley State University, while playing varsity Football, and after having completed all course work in 3 years, with a 1/2 year attributed to student teaching.
After teaching for a semester, Byron attended Law School at Southern University in Baton Rouge, LA wherein he graduated with honors finishing in the top 5 of his law school class in 2001. He was licensed and admitted to the Louisiana State Bar the same year.
During the summer months of Law School, Byron volunteered at a notable personal injury law firm wherein he performed research and trial preparation tasks as it relates to injury cases.
After Law School:
After completing Law School, Byron entered a clerkship with the Honorable George C. Metoyer, 9th Judicial District Court, Rapides Parish, wherein he continued to learn and develop his interest in the practice of law as it relates to personal injury.
After completing the clerkship, Byron joined his big brother, Silas O'Neal, Jr., founder of O'Neal Law Firm, in the practice of law at the O'Neal Law Firm. This Big brother-Little Brother match-up has proven to be a formidable force with proven results.
Since it's inception, the O'Neal Law Firm, Silas O'Neal, Jr and Byron O'Neal have focused their practice on the representation of individuals who have sustained personal injury, specifically through automobile accidents. Over the years, Silas and Byron have represented countless injury clients and collected millions of dollars on their behalf.
Through the aforementioned efforts, O'Neal Law Firm has earned and maintained the reputation of being diligent, well-prepared, and hardworking, while providing excellent "Go for it all" representation to their clients. The aforementioned qualities are combined with a desire to help people, fight for those who others seek to take advantage of and always treating everyone with respect and dignity.
The combination of those things along with the capacity to have a "down to earth" conversations with their clients have made O'Neal Law Firm the "go to""clear choice" lawyers for injury cases, for many people, in many communities through-out the State of Louisiana. Should I choose O'Neal Law Firm as a lawyer for my accident case:
Life has many choices, choosing the right lawyer for you or your family's accident case is one of the many important decisions you will make in life. You should only choose the O'Neal Law Firm if you want 1) Full compensation for your injury case 2) a lawyer you can talk to 3) a lawyer who has a reputation for winning 4) and you want to be treated with respect and dignity throughout the process
If this kind of representation interests you, call us today at (318) 487-8787